Thursday, May 28, 2009

is anybody out there?

What an interesting day...

While at school, we were forced into a fire drill because the alternate generator caught fire/started to billow smoke. It was fun. My room is closest to the generator, so it smelled the worst. We lost power twice while this was going on. I was really hoping for a shortened day, but no luck there.

After getting out of school, text messages began pouring into my phone. At Margaret Brent I don't get signal, so everything waits till I get out. There were so many coming in, and all at once, that my phone became overloaded. By the time I had made it to Staples I had no charge left, whatsoever. Thankfully, someone at my house loves me enough to have brought my charger.

After Staples, I made it home to find a very depressed Greggypoo in the kitchen. He had little dots in his ears, and I couldn't figure it out. He came down to my room with me and told me he had gotten his ears pierced today. I have to say, he'd really look good with earrings. He has that kind of face. But he didn't have any earrings in. Greg-poo told me that because Mom and Dad freaked out a bit, he had to take them out. I think that's bullshit. They argued that in the professional world the senior management are all my father's age, and peircings were only for women, bikers and gays. But that doesn't quite hold up considering several of my fathers's friends his own age have piercings and are in senior management. I think it's just my father's own prejudice. But the story didn't stop there. As Greg tried to right this injustice he made mention that I have had a tattoo in plain sight for 5 months now, and no one has noticed. Furthermore, I have also seemed to manage getting a higher paid job, and work in a field where tattoos are not the norm, but certainly not frowned upon either. Mom knew about the tattoo, Dad has been oblivious for 5 months. So now my father is talking to no one... oh fun!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Let's blog about our ideals...

So, I think Charina and I can safely admit that we are not the most avid of bloggers. In fact, it's already the 16th and this will be our first blog since then. But I promise, we've been busy little ones.

My copy center has taken a huge turn for the worst since Charina left to go work in Clinton. Our lead does nothing all day. Nothing we pass down gets done, throwing us way behind where we should be. On top of that, she feels the need to jump into our personal lives and go through files which were not hers to go through. I don't tend to mind people going through my work files that are saved on the work computer, but there was a line that was crossed when she went through files on my jump drive that I had left behind. Everyone knows that it's mine, so it wasn't a surprise to her. These did have files from work, but there were also files from school with student's information and my personal information. She had no business going through it. This, of course, has lead to a ton of tension. The other girl in copy center is leaving and I may not be that far behind her. Neeners and Greg are about to graduate, hopefully. We all know Greg is going to walk, but Neeners has been struggling. She needs to get motivated in school and not worry about everything else. As it is, she quit her job so that she could focus, but what seems to have happened is that she is focusing on Jacob, her boyfriend, rather than school. While I've been trying to work with her, I can only do so much because she's out a lot. She wants help, but I have to be here on her schedule. Well, shit doesn't always work that way. I've been busy and on the weekends, when I can, I like to hang out with my friends or take a nap. I don't sleep in any day of the week and my only resolution to that issue is my ritual Sunday Nap. I love Sunday Nap, and I'm not giving that up. We'll see how this goes. More updates to come on Neeners graduation status.

Charina... well she's struggling in her copy center as well. Since changing positions, she thought she was going to work earlier, and be able to run her copy center efficiently. Not so much. Her manager will not give her the relevant information she needs to fill her books, nor will he give her the passwords so that she can do it herself. She's constantly working nights and taking the 45 minute drive home anywhere between 9:30 and 10:30 at night, but she's going in at 1. She doesn't get lunches or breaks. I completely understand her frustration with the job and I know how badly she'd like to quit. She's been toughing it all out for the sake of DC and I have nothing but respect and admiration for her. Her hope is that she can go back to school and get the job with Joey, her brother-in-law. Then she can get the hell out of there.

On the plus side, we've bought bicycles. We've taken them out and they are fun. I don't think they are my replacement for my car quite yet, seeing as I don't live and work within a close range. But hopefully, when I move, things will be closer and we can consider them as alternatives!