Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Door

There are plenty of things running through my mind. It's truly been crazy. I can't help but want to get packing, even though I don't have a place to go to and don't plan to move until June. I really just want to go. I didn't think it would be as bad, but I really am ready to get out of here. I'm not diluting myself into thinking this is going to be easy. I know I'm going to be paying bills, and low on funds and all, but I'd rather eat ramen than live here. I'm ready for a change in my life, and a new door to open.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Done. Just Done.

I truly believe that I have been verbally abused more this week than I have my entire time working in retail. Seriously. I've been screamed by 3 different completely nasty and vile women in the past 2 days. I don't understand what the fuck is up with people. But seriously, what the fuck?

Monday: This woman didn't scream at me, she just got on my last fucking nerve. She didn't know what she wanted but somehow everything I printed came out wrong. My brown magic is failing. Everything was either too big or too small. She had horrible cut & paste originals caked in White-Out, and wasn't happy her copies looked like shit. She picked out colored paper, but yet they were all the wrong shades. As I am FINALLY ringing her out, she lectures me on wasting paper and how I should do my job better. Really? Its my fault for wasting so much paper? Really? Its not your fault for not knowing what you want and being picky? Really? Think about that.

Tuesday: I had 2 lovely women on Tuesday.
#1 (Fax Lady): She yelled at me because apparently I control how long it takes fax machines to send documents. Also for how I never communicated the price to her. Even though when she handed me her document I told her "It's a $1.89 for the first page and $1.00 each additional page." I am a creature of habit, I ALWAYS say the price of faxing. I even asked her if she was sure she wanted to fax it since it was a pretty large document. Also, she was pissed off because I helped other people while her fax was sending since I getting a line of customers. She felt that I should have only focused on her and not other people, because apparently she is that important. Ohhhhhh, and what pissed me off most about this woman was how she can no control of her child at all. While she was going on bitching session on her phone, her child was behind my counter playing behind my copiers. Do you think she said anything to her child? Of course not, that would have interrupted her conversation. Another customer said something to her about it, and I had to yell at her child, not her.

#2 (Troll Faced Lady): I have never wanted to hit someone as much as I wanted to hit this woman. She was just incredibly rude and vile. Nothing I could say to this Troll was going to make her happy, so I kept repeating myself which just pissed her off more. But I truly did not care. As she was trying to pay for her order she threw her credit card at me. I am sorry, I do not care how angry you are with a retail associate, you do not ever throw things at them. The woman is lucky I did not come across my counter and fucking punch her in her fucking Shrek looking face.

Wednesday- Cunt: There is no other word to describe this woman. She basically walked into the store looking for someone to argue with. We were busy. My help was about to leave, and we were giving about a 30 minute turn-around time. Apparently this was a slap in the face to this woman. She felt that since her document was very important she deserved to be bumped in front of everyone. When management backed us up on the turn-around time just made her worse. It was to the point that other customers were complaining about the scene this woman was causing. To make things even better, she threw a 3 hole puncher at me. She got her document stuck in her 3 hole punch and wanted me to fix it, and had the fucking balls to throw it at me. What. The. Fuck. Did her parents not teach her any fucking manners? Seriously.

All in all, people are trying my fucking patience. One day soon I am going to snap and do one of two things;

1. Cuss someone out. I mean truly cuss them out using just about every word in the book.
2. Punch someone. I would really like to take boxing lessons just so I can make it that much sweeter.

So either get ready to help me find another job soon, or make plans to visit me in jail.

I truly understand the predicament on a smaller scale. Fortunately, I only have to work at Staples three days a week, but those three days last FOREVER. With Ashley gone, I am working on training a new employee. Tamara is good at following directions and picks things up pretty quickly, but I don't get enough time with her to really do much good. Angie almost refuses to show her anything. She teaches by trial and error, which is good after you have the basics down, but without the basics it only serves to show superiority and put the new associate down. It's not fair for the other person to have to guess at what you want from them.

Tuesday I got left with a mess, but thankfully very few jobs. This made it a lot easier to deal with because I didn't have to hunt for jobs. I'm not really sure how Angie managed all day. She did not, however, pass down the message from the HUB which hugely delayed my order! That was completely unappreciated. Eagan's order comes before all others usually, and for her to not pass this down really served to do nothing more than piss me off.

Thursday, I worked with my kids, but fielded calls from Tamara because Angie can't name her files. She's also started this radical campaign of calling other stores to get them pissed off at her too. I'm not sure what her plan is, but it's not working out for her.

Friday, I stopped in for two quick things, but ended up in copy center fixing shit. I don't know why it is that everyone seems to know more about the machines in copy center than I do, but they do... With Cha gone, I'm now the one with the most experience, but Angie seems to think that while she had the title, she somehow knows more. She continues to put cardstock in the regular trays, only serving to SCREW SHIT UP. Of course that irritated me a bit, and when John asked me how I was doing, I told him that I was pissed off. He got a little short with me, and left to do UPS. I was pretty pissed, and wanted nothing more to do with him. So when I got the machine back up and he was walking back into copy center, I left. He was trying to smooth things over, but I wasn't having any of it. I couldn't believe he was getting shitty with me the day before I was going to pull a 12 hour shift for him.

That of course leads into Saturday, the day of the 12 hour shift. That sucks on it's own, but to top it off, there was not a single copy center trained person there. Eagan's job had come back from the HUB and I was supposed to just add a few pages here and there in his binder. NOPE! That is so far from what happened. When I opened his order I realized that everything, the binder in it's entirety had to be reprinted. They had taken it upon themselves to print the binders double sided, and because he's goverment contracted, he can't do that! So I was alone, recopying 21 2'' binders, running customers orders and waiting for a tech to make a Saturday call because my BW was down completely. This, of course, lead to long turnarounds that no customer likes. I kept getting customers who would say "but all I need is one little copy" or "but this is really important." I would have loved to reply with "I really don't give a shit about how important you see your document, or that you only need one copy. You see, I have a shitload of work to get done before I can manage to eek out your meager one copy. In the long run, you're not so fucking important." But I relied on my first-come-first-serve policy, which irritated just about everyone. People seem to think that just because they walk up to my desk absent of any line, that I'm not doing anything. HA! Try that shit again! You are like everyone else. You drop off your order, you go away for an allotted time, and when you come back, your order is ready. That allotted time is based upon how many of yous I've had! Any customer that couldn't get on board with that kind of thinking got to deal with John.

Saturday, I lived in copy center. I didn't leave for a lunch, just potty breaks here and there. Thankfully, John was nice to me and bought me pizza, so I didn't have to starve for the day.

Cha-Love... No killing people, it's very hard to get an appartment when you're in jail making 10 cents an hour to stamp license plates. It would take you a lot longer to earn your half of the rent... like 6000 hours worth of labor.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Love of Family

So, it's abundantly clear that when we move, our family is going to miss us. But, I think what I've missed, is that I'm going to miss my family. I know I'm going to miss them so much. If nothing else, events like those of tonight prove it. I know when I move out, I'm going to have to take care on my own. Mom and Dad may be only a call away to talk to, but should anything happen, it's at least an hour and a half drive... I know that my parents would do it, but I'm really hoping everything goes flawlessly so that my parents don't worry.