Wednesday, January 28, 2009

someone to watch over me

So while this blog was created for the random thoughts and whatever that Val & I have through the day. I am going to go a bit on the personal side since this is all I have been able to think about all week.

My grandmother has been in and out of the hospital this past week with pneumonia and it really seems to everyone that she just does not want to go on anymore. Which is truly sad and heartbreaking, because as many problems and conflicts that my mother's family may have through the years, we have always been a close family. Now, here we are watching the woman who has been the glue in that family just give up on everything.

I just feel like there is so much I don't know about her or her life and now that I'm old enough where I can appreciate my family history, its too late.

I know when it finally happens it is going to destroy my mother, and that in itself is going to be heartbreaking for me. I'm trying to prepare myself, but I know its not going to work out like that. I will still feel like I was caught off guard.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Define Yourself

I was confronted with a question today that I thought deserved some thought... Look at all of your possessions. If you could pick only one, which one would best represent you?

I have to say that it's a hard one.. I have my car, which for me was a symbol of independence. It was the first thing ever to put me in debt, and the first thing I've ever paid off. I was so proud the day of my last payment, that something was MINE. But, now, I've come to realize that one car is just as good as another... Red car = blue car = green car. Their sole purpose is to get you from point A to point B safely, and in time. Despite the way my life is going, and the amount of time I actually do spend in the car, it doesn't really represent me.

I thought about my bass too... but as of late, even that doesn't work. I never have time to play it, I'm just running around too much. I love it! Nothing about my love of the bass has changed, it's just time, energy and patience, and lately I've had none of any of it.

The bass was close though. I know that music is something that represents me. As sad as it is, I really think that right now, my iPod is the best thing to represent me at this point. I'm constantly listening to music. Somewhere in my room, there is a song playing. I take music with me to work. It's in my car. The iPod is only it's carrier. It represents my love of music, and because of I've put so many bands on there, it also represents my moods. I have the angry music, happy music, at work, in the car, at the house, out with friends. All of that music is stored right there, and it goes everywhere with me. Before the iPod, my music was held on my phone. Before that it was on cd's. No matter where I've been, at any point in my life, I have had music.

So I guess it's really a matter of music representing me... and since I have so many different types of music, I guess there's quite a bit to represent me, and I'm happy with that.

I really cannot think of anything that I own that would represent who I am. I dunno, maybe I just don't truly know who I am. Like I'm still figuring that out for myself.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Only Slightly Drunk..

So Val & I had a bit of Lush night out. First, we had a Saketini, which wasn't too bad, I was expecting it to be strong, but it was actually nice. We also had what may have been the girliest drink we have ever had, and oh yes we drank them out of girlie girl cups. Literally. The cups were women. I think they were suppose to be Geishas, but all I could focus on was that my straw was coming from out of her boobs. So whenever I drank, it looked like I was making out with a cup. Just what I want strangers thinking out with the boobs of a cup. Thanks.

After that we headed to the movie, where we spiked our White Cherry Icees with flavored vodka. Val used a Cherry Vodka and I was daring and used a Passion Fruit Vodka. Best decision ever. I do not know how or why I have been drinking plain non-alcoholic icees for soooo long.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


If you had to create a playlist, what music would you absolutely have to have? What songs would be so crucial, that by leaving them off, it would change the mood completely?

My personal set would have to include:

> MGMT - Kids
> US Royalty - Ratz/Raincoats
> Steel Train - Firecracker
> The Graduate - Better Company
> Bayside - Montauk/Hello Shitty
> Keane - Under Pressure (best version yet)
> Pale Young Gentlemen - Clap Your Hands/Fraulein
> Nightmare of You - Ode to Serotonin
> The Metros - Last of the Lookers
> Ladyhawke - My Delirium
> Kasabian -L.S.F.
> Envy on the Coast - The Gift of Paralysis
> The Pigeon Detectives - This is an Emergency
> Bottle Up and Go - My Yoke is Easy
> Blonde Acid Cult - Calypso/Shake it Loose
> Against Me! - Pints of Guinness Make You Strong

You're an ass and gay. Since a lot of your songs would make an appearance on mine, I guess I'm just adding to it...

- Heavens: Leave/Anabelle/Watching You (any one of those 3)
- Pale Young Gentlemen: Kettle Drum (I left a note)
- The View: Same Jeans
- US Royalty: Where Are You Now/Keep It Cool (any one of those 2)
- Ida Maria: I like You So Much Better When You're Naked
- Bayside: Ghost of St. Valentine
- Communique: Black Curses/Best Lies
- Kings of Leon: Crawl
- Honorary Title: Apologize
- Janis Joplin: Me & Bobby McGee
- Razorlight: In The Morning
- MGMT: Time to Pretend
- Oasis: Live Forever
- Pinback: Concrete Sounds/Penelope
- Black Kids: I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
- Amy Winehouse: Tears Dry On Their Own

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bound to happen

I am always the first one to admit that I am socially awkward. I know and understand this. There are a lot of situations where I do not know how to react. One of those situations occured tonight. While helping a male customer at work, I just happen to notice that his zipper was down and ummmm....I could see more than I was suppose to.

Now, this was a case in which I had NO idea what to I just let him go about his business with his business showing. I know it's cruel, but I didn't couldn't even make eye contact with him let alone say anything about it.

So, what do you say to someone in a situation like that? "Hey, I see your junk!"

I think you and I are in the same boat... Working with kids, what do you say to them when their flies are down? You can't exactly tell them you can see their junk. Seriously, any suggestions would be appreciated. I've had this happen more times than I can count and it's always really weird. It's not like I spend all day looking for the kid with his zipper down, it just always happens that the kid with his zipper down ends up in my class. What do you tell a kid?

Technology is Changing

So, my mother is very proud of herself today, as she should be. My mother is not at all the technology diva, but is slowly coming into the twenty-first century. She started off by learning to use a cell phone, then she learned to text... But today, she bought an iPod. I'm so incredibly proud of her! She's not sure how to use it, but she knows that this is going to save her a hell of a lot in CD scratches.

With that said, there was a time in my not-so-distant past, that I wasn't a fan of iPod. I was fairly certain that the only thing you were getting out of an iPod was an expensive mp3 player with the Apple name attached. I was sooo wrong. I love iPod now. I am a converted soul. I happen to find that the iPod is easier to use, easier to find music in, the system is very responsive, portable and easy to find systems that will work with it. On top of all of that, I use it in my car and it is MARVELOUS! I am sorry I ever doubted this little bit of technology. I now realize the pain I put myself through burning all of those cds.

Ok... accolade of the iPod is done (at least by me).

At least your mother is making an attempt to join the rest of society in the shiny place that is now. Neither one of my parents can truly use their cell phone. Whats cute, is the fact that they both call texting "email", so if Larry is out my parents will keep asking if he's emailed me. I think if either of my parents ask for an iPod, I am pretty sure that means the world is ending sometime in the immediate future.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Adventures on the Metro

Why public transportation is entertaining....

- The last guy who sat beside me on the train decided that he didn't want me to leave, because at my stop he refused to let me out. I mean the guy sat there and looked at me but refused to move. I truly believe if it weren't for another guy who pulled the guy beside me up, I would've had to climb over seats to get off the train. Which we all know just how graceful I am, so....

- I had a man offer to buy me a house, car and make sure that I would be properly cared for. Oh yes, he even proposed marriage! He said he would introduce me to the children that may or may not be his (he couldn't remember if they were or not). He also gave me a lecture about how the friends I was going to see weren't true friends since they were making me take the Metro instead of picking me up and telling him that these friends live nowhere near me was a poor excuse.

- About 95% of the time, there will be a man selling porn. If you're lucky he will either have a sale, or Midget porn.

I know there are A LOT more stories I have stored somewhere in my head, I just need to find them.

How about every time we take Neeners on the metro, we see someone giving or receiving head.. How weird is that, that she is always there on the metro to witness this??

I do so love the Midget porn, but my favorite still comes from the religious pamphlets, booklets and handouts we've accumulated over the years. It never surprises me what weird things people will claim in the name of Jesus.

What about the guy who got a blow job in the McDonalds parking lot...ya know, while he was parked right next to us. That was awkward.

But hey, I don't think any story compares to your "friend" who followed us from Rock & Roll Hotel on New Years Eve. You can no longer judge me.

Monday, January 19, 2009

MacGyver vs Weston

The more I watch Burn Notice, the more I disparately want to be a spy. Though he is not the one to originally inspired me. Angus MacGyver will always be my favorite do-it-all, know-it-all, spy-ish person. I will forever look up to him for his ingenuity and ability to get out of any situation. Michael Weston is the newest MacGyver. He's up on technology and uses it in every way to get the bad guy for the common good. I love it!

I could never get into MacGuyver, but I love Burn Notice. Michael Weston FTW! Maybe its the fact that his voice over gives me tips on how to act like a spy.

P.S.'re such a nerd.

--> I am not a nerd! I just happened to be watching a lot of Burn Notice last night, and had my MacGyver series in eyesight. Not like we haven't had this conversation a million times anyway!

I don't remember having such conversations. I know we've agreed that Burn Notice is awesome, and we both are really tempted to try some of the tips they give you. But I know nothing about Macguyver. So you are a nerd, deal with it.

Everyone knows MacGyver... He's the predecessor to Michael Weston. If you don't know who he is, you've been living under a rock.

I have been living under a rock...with Pineapple. Actually, I just don't really care about MacGuyver.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Vampires vs. Zombies

This has been a matter of great debate lately... If you had to choose between Vampire bunnies or Zombie bunnies, which would you choose?

Personally, I would choose the Vampire bunnies. You can attach a blood source directly to their cages and as long as they are properly fed, you have no risk of attack. Whereas, a Zombie bunny doesn't stop at any particular quota of brains. While they may be slow, they are still quite hungry 24/7. Not to mention, Zombie bunnies would not be cute. A bite from a Zombie bunny would result in you becoming a zombie. Zombies also have no resting period. They do not sleep and are thereby able to search for food (YOU) all of the time.

Vampire bunnies would be cute for eternity, or until rendered permanently unanimated. They may also posses the ability to shape shift into cooler animals (i.e. bat, owl). Vampire bunnies would also have a fear of running water. This becomes quite convenient when you need a shower. I don't think the zombie would be quite so accommodating. Unlike Zombie bunnies, Vampire bunnies also have some form of resting period. In some fables they would have to go to their native land before nightfall. Others state they would be able to sleep in a coffin/cage. That means that at some point of the day, you get rest too!

In conclusion, I feel that Vampire bunnies are the perfect pet for all interested in undead pet ownership.

| val


I would have to agree with Val on the Vampire bunnies. Come on, just thinking on the terms of personal safety (remember safety first), having a Vampire pet would make more sense.

As one anonymous source has stated a Zombie would be more entertaining for guests at parties. Which when you think about it, it is true. I guess if your party starts to become a bit stale, you can release your Zombie bunny on your guests. Just think, you would be killing two birds with one stone;

A. Your Zombie pet could possibly get a fresh meal from the deal.
B. Guests would get a pretty awesome story to tell others.

Although, I am not sure how people would handle the fact that with such a lovely party "game", if they lose they can actually become a zombie. Which I can only assume would look poorly on you as a host. Would one have to put a disclaimer on the invites? Or just have the guests sign a waiver when entering the party?

Also, I think feeding a Vampire would be easier than a Zombie. I know human zombies crave human flesh, so would zombie bunnies crave other bunnies? Would other animal flesh work? What if it wants humans? I think getting a hold of human blood would be a lot easier than getting human flesh. That would involve killing people. I'm not sure if I would be willing to possibly go to jail for my undead pet.
