Saturday, January 24, 2009

Define Yourself

I was confronted with a question today that I thought deserved some thought... Look at all of your possessions. If you could pick only one, which one would best represent you?

I have to say that it's a hard one.. I have my car, which for me was a symbol of independence. It was the first thing ever to put me in debt, and the first thing I've ever paid off. I was so proud the day of my last payment, that something was MINE. But, now, I've come to realize that one car is just as good as another... Red car = blue car = green car. Their sole purpose is to get you from point A to point B safely, and in time. Despite the way my life is going, and the amount of time I actually do spend in the car, it doesn't really represent me.

I thought about my bass too... but as of late, even that doesn't work. I never have time to play it, I'm just running around too much. I love it! Nothing about my love of the bass has changed, it's just time, energy and patience, and lately I've had none of any of it.

The bass was close though. I know that music is something that represents me. As sad as it is, I really think that right now, my iPod is the best thing to represent me at this point. I'm constantly listening to music. Somewhere in my room, there is a song playing. I take music with me to work. It's in my car. The iPod is only it's carrier. It represents my love of music, and because of I've put so many bands on there, it also represents my moods. I have the angry music, happy music, at work, in the car, at the house, out with friends. All of that music is stored right there, and it goes everywhere with me. Before the iPod, my music was held on my phone. Before that it was on cd's. No matter where I've been, at any point in my life, I have had music.

So I guess it's really a matter of music representing me... and since I have so many different types of music, I guess there's quite a bit to represent me, and I'm happy with that.

I really cannot think of anything that I own that would represent who I am. I dunno, maybe I just don't truly know who I am. Like I'm still figuring that out for myself.

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