Sunday, January 18, 2009

Vampires vs. Zombies

This has been a matter of great debate lately... If you had to choose between Vampire bunnies or Zombie bunnies, which would you choose?

Personally, I would choose the Vampire bunnies. You can attach a blood source directly to their cages and as long as they are properly fed, you have no risk of attack. Whereas, a Zombie bunny doesn't stop at any particular quota of brains. While they may be slow, they are still quite hungry 24/7. Not to mention, Zombie bunnies would not be cute. A bite from a Zombie bunny would result in you becoming a zombie. Zombies also have no resting period. They do not sleep and are thereby able to search for food (YOU) all of the time.

Vampire bunnies would be cute for eternity, or until rendered permanently unanimated. They may also posses the ability to shape shift into cooler animals (i.e. bat, owl). Vampire bunnies would also have a fear of running water. This becomes quite convenient when you need a shower. I don't think the zombie would be quite so accommodating. Unlike Zombie bunnies, Vampire bunnies also have some form of resting period. In some fables they would have to go to their native land before nightfall. Others state they would be able to sleep in a coffin/cage. That means that at some point of the day, you get rest too!

In conclusion, I feel that Vampire bunnies are the perfect pet for all interested in undead pet ownership.

| val


I would have to agree with Val on the Vampire bunnies. Come on, just thinking on the terms of personal safety (remember safety first), having a Vampire pet would make more sense.

As one anonymous source has stated a Zombie would be more entertaining for guests at parties. Which when you think about it, it is true. I guess if your party starts to become a bit stale, you can release your Zombie bunny on your guests. Just think, you would be killing two birds with one stone;

A. Your Zombie pet could possibly get a fresh meal from the deal.
B. Guests would get a pretty awesome story to tell others.

Although, I am not sure how people would handle the fact that with such a lovely party "game", if they lose they can actually become a zombie. Which I can only assume would look poorly on you as a host. Would one have to put a disclaimer on the invites? Or just have the guests sign a waiver when entering the party?

Also, I think feeding a Vampire would be easier than a Zombie. I know human zombies crave human flesh, so would zombie bunnies crave other bunnies? Would other animal flesh work? What if it wants humans? I think getting a hold of human blood would be a lot easier than getting human flesh. That would involve killing people. I'm not sure if I would be willing to possibly go to jail for my undead pet.



  1. can the zombies and vampires breed with one another. that might be the ideal form.

  2. That I am not sure about. But that would make for an interesting hybrid.

  3. Hybrid Zombie/Vampire bunnies... AMAZING! I'm game to try a batch!

  4. After thinking about it, I don't think it would be possible. Because both animals are technically dead, and last I checked dead things cant have babies =[

  5. NOOO..Bella did it, and before she was turned into a vampire. Also, the body has to change to accommodate the baby which a vampire/zombie would not able to do.
